Friday, February 15, 2008

"The few, The proud"

In a previous post I mentioned how it is so hard for me to believe that my "baby" brother is getting so old. I'm sure I feel this way because of our age difference and that I can remember so vividly when he was born, helping take care of him. (He seriously had to be the fussiest baby ever!!) Now he is graduating from high school in just a few short months. As some of you know already, for some time now he has been contemplating joining the marines. When I first heard this I was in total shock. Can he seriously be old enough and mature enough to make such a life altering decision? Doesn't he know that we are in a war right now? After much thought I have come to realize that yes he most definitely is old enough and mature enough and as much as we would like to keep our baby right here in little old Whitehall, he has made a very mature and informed decision. A decision to serve his country. He made his decision final this past week when he went to Lansing and did all the necessary testing and interviews and was sworn in as a United States Marine. Although I am still scared to death for him and we will miss him terribly, I am also so proud.


Shelly said...

As hard as it will be for him to go, you have every reason to be proud of him. It takes someone truley special to serve for our Country. I still see Eric as "Little Eric", I have watched him turn into this handsome man right before my very eyes. I will be praying for all of you. And please let him know how proud we all are of him. Love ya...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh girl! It is definately hard to believe Eric is this old! Our little baby brothers are not so little anymore! I can't imagine what your family must feel knowing their son, brother, uncle is facing by joining the Marines. However, it should at the same time make you proud and safe to know it's people like Eric who make this world what it is today. I would hate to think of how different our world would be without brave, selfish people such as Eric, in it. May God bless you, your family and keep Eric safe!!

jennie said...

Its unreal to me. Eric was a baby when I met you. What an amazing and mature decision he has made. Jason's cousin just joined the Marines and of course my Dad and also Troy were Marines. He will be in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep posting on his progress and adventures!

Anonymous said...

We here in the Fraser home are very proud of Eric. We will always hold him close to our heart in thoughts and prayers as he makes this courageous adventure in his life. My how time flies...our little boys, and brothers are growing up. Its hard to believe isn't it?
Love ya,
Aunt Colleen