Wednesday, January 16, 2008

PJ Day

Around our house we have days that me & the kids have named "pajama day". Today is one of them days. We usually have at least one of these days a week . These are the days that I have to work and none of us really does too much, just lounge around in our PJ's all day. We watch movies, read books, color. On these days the only reason we even leave the house is to take Kendall to the bus stop about a mile away if she has school and we even do that in our PJ's (except Kendall of course gets dressed for school) I hope that we never have car trouble on one of these days because I would look like a homeless lady walking down the street in my pyjamas carrying two kids also in there pajamas. There are a lot of good things about working the night shift and having small children. One being that either Brian or I are able to be home with them most of the time and it just works well for our family. One of the only cons is that on the days that I have to work I wake up with the kids in the morning, have them all day, pretty much pass Brian at the door when he gets home from work with a quick kiss goodbye, work all night from 7pm to 7:30 am and finally get home the next morning at 8 am and collapse into a coma. I have been doing this now for 6 years now & honestly I can say I have gotten use to it, but it is definitely not any easier. One of these days, I will get on a normal shift, but until then we will just continue having our PJ days that we have all gotten use to.


Shelly said...

I wish I could have a day in my PJ's but somehow I don't think that would go over to well with all the parents....

Anonymous said...

PJ days.....there is something special about them. I think it brings out relaxation..and we all need that.
I am having three weeks of pj days after recuperating from my surgery that all went very well.
Love to all.