Thursday, January 31, 2008


What a precious gift it is. We are given 24 hours each day - yet it seems I struggle with always wanting MORE.

More time to spend with my husband.

How I wish we had more time for date nights and weekends away together. More time to talk, to laugh and just be with each other without the worries of work and the interruptions of children! ;)

More time with my children

I greatly value all the time I get to spend with my children, but it just seems that the older they get the more I noticed that this time is turning into rushed time. Rushing to get going in the morning, rushing to get to appointments or school. Rushing to get diner done or catch up on the cleaning and laundry. Rushing to get baths done before heading out the door to work. How I wish I had more "laid-back" time to just play and spend with them without always hurrying.

The sweet time we spend now with the ones we love will make memories that will last a lifetime. Time is a precious gift from God - and my goal is to try my best to use it better. To not waste it, to not be so rushed . . . to savor every precious moment.

"Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?"
Author Unknown


jennie said...

Time is apparently the toughtest obstacle for Moms. Have you noticed every blog, every myspace, all moms complain about is not enough time or being SO busy. I just don't think there is a lot we can do about it. I know moms who have their kids in so many activities that they only have 1 free night a week.Now that is crazy. I hope to never get to that extreme, but she thinks she is doing the best thing for her kids. I guess just having our priorities straight is all we can do.